All posts in category MRI

Adventures in AFNI ROI combinations

I’ve written about ROI creation in AFNI a few times before (one, two, three).  When we draw ROIs or use 3dUndump, we usually end up with multiple ROIs in one file, each with a different label.  In contrast, when we use whereami to create atlas regions, we usually end up with one ROI per file. […]

R for MRI Lovers (Part 1)

Like many scientists, I learned SPSS a long long time ago.  It was free and installed on any computer at my undergraduate institution.  And like many people, I found the pull-down menus useful and sometimes endearing.  But when I went to grad school I was thrust into a world of using SAS.  Many a groans […]

Dealing with transforms in AFNI (Part 1)

AFNI’s main tool for dealing with transforms is cat_matvec, but in many cases you may not need to use it!  Everyone knows that transform matrices are confusing — I’ll do a post later on just covering them — but for now, I think we can all agree that it’s a relief anytime you don’t have to […]

Creating ROIs in AFNI with Coordinates

In the past, I’ve posted on creating ROIs in AFNI and ways to manipulate those ROIs once created.  But something that comes up fairly often on the AFNI message boards is how to use 3dcalc to create different ROI shapes.  The most common that I’ve found are creating spheres and cubes, I’ve made some crazy […]

Year 1 Reflection

I really started investing in this blog in November 2012.  In the first month it received 12 hits.  In the second month, it also received 12 hits.  But as we’ve added more content over the past year, the number of hits has continued to go up.  And I’m very happy that today, we celebrate more […]