All posts in category Programming

Parallelizing Tracula

By popular request, or rather the sheer number of hits the Parallelizing Freesurfer post, today we turn our attention to Tracula, the Freesurfer integrated solution for doing diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) tractography!  Tracula has a lot of nice features, one of my favorites is the ability to estimate 18 or so tracts in the brain by constraining […]

Getting started with Machine Learning

So we have to face it, Machine Learning is the buzzword of the year (multiple years?).  But where does one start learning?  Well assuming you’ve taking some stats classes in the past and words like regression don’t scare you off, you may be able to jump right in to some of the applicable textbooks out […]

Example use of DTIprep for DWI Quality Checking

In a previous post, we covered using DTIprep for preprocessing of diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) data.  I’ve written a quick script (below) to automate DTIprep for the purposes of running the default QC check.  My workflow has DICOM data automatically downloaded from our PACS server, then automatically converted to NIFTI format, and then organized in the […]

R for MRI Lovers (Part 2)

Writing this post after the first in the series may seem somewhat backwards!  Last time we covered reading in data from individual subjects and plotting them as box plots with error bars in R.  This time we’ll do something even more straightforward – plotting ROI group effects.  If you haven’t already read it, there are […]

R for MRI Lovers (Part 1)

Like many scientists, I learned SPSS a long long time ago.  It was free and installed on any computer at my undergraduate institution.  And like many people, I found the pull-down menus useful and sometimes endearing.  But when I went to grad school I was thrust into a world of using SAS.  Many a groans […]