All posts in category Neuroimaging

Intersection Maps in AFNI

I’ve recently been working with a dataset that included the same subjects across two studies (here: study1 and study2) that should give us complimentary information.  One of the ways that you can look at data across these two studies is to create “intersection” maps, that show where the brain regions were activated in both studies.  Obviously […]

Tidbits on AFNI’s TENT function

I think we’ve all had that moment where we wonder what exactly our HRF function is doing to give us the results that we see in our data.  Using a fixed function regressor can be great for a number of reasons: 1) they don’t require many degrees of freedom, 2) someone else did the hard […]

R for MRI Lovers (Part 2)

Writing this post after the first in the series may seem somewhat backwards!  Last time we covered reading in data from individual subjects and plotting them as box plots with error bars in R.  This time we’ll do something even more straightforward – plotting ROI group effects.  If you haven’t already read it, there are […]

TORTOISE Processing of DWI/DTI (Part 3)

In Part 1, we covered how to preprocess your Diffusion Weighted Images (DWI) for “correction” of movement, eddy currents, and other artifacts in your data.  In Part 2, we covered fitting the tensors and exporting the resulting data to AFNI or other packages.  Today we continue by talking about an additional feature of TORTOISE, which […]

Freesurfer Cortical Thickness Analysis with AFNI/SUMA tools

First let me say that I am a huge huge fan of Freesurfer.  It makes my life easier in so many ways by 1) creating surfaces that we can display fMRI results on; 2) giving beautiful cortical and subcortical segmentations for use in the upcoming (soon, really) pediatric Atlas that I’ve been working on; 3) […]